Is 3 laser hair removal treatments enough?

Everyone is different and sometimes hormonal reasons can be a factor in hair growth and sessions. I would always recommend at least 6 treatments with laser hair removal and some need more. Hair color also plays an important factor in the treatment outcome.

Laser hair removal

generally requires six to eight treatments, but may require up to 10 sessions depending on the area being treated and its growth cycle.

The time between treatments depends on how fast the hair grows in that area and the hair growth cycle at the time of the appointment. There are three cycles of hair growth and loss, the anagen (growth phase), the catagen (the transition phase between growth and loss) and the telogen phase (when hair loss leaves room for new hair growth). By performing the treatment at different stages of hair growth, we can ensure that new and existing hair follicles are attacked. Laser hair removal works better for some people than others, as everyone grows back their hair at different rates.

However, the average results you can expect are 70% to 80% reduction in hair growth after four to six full cycles of treatments. At the mark of the three treatments, at least 50% of your hair will disappear forever. In six treatments, that number will generally increase to 90% of the hair removed permanently. A laser hair removal package always comes in six sessions.

Does that sound like a random number to you? It's just an industry standard. You'll need at least six sessions of laser hair removal. Does that mean that those six sessions will be sufficient for effective laser hair removal? Not always. In fact, factors may interfere with treatment and involve the need for more sessions.

In addition, everyone is different, so laser treatments will be unique to each patient. According to the FDA, laser hair removal is not considered a permanent hair removal method, but rather a long-term method of reducing hair growth. For example, your first laser treatments, when your hair is thicker, may be scheduled 6 to 8 weeks apart for the first three treatments, and then the dermatologist may decide that you can come every 8 to 12 weeks for your next laser hair removal treatments. Other body hair is in the “catagenic” phase, which is a transitional phase in which hair growth stops and the outer root sheath shrinks and attaches to the hair root.

Precision lasers can effectively attack the hair follicle and leave the surrounding skin intact. Previous generations of laser technology could only effectively treat patients with dark hair and fair skin so that the laser could more easily decipher the hair's pigment. For example, if you waxed for ten years before switching to laser hair removal, some of your hair follicles will already be damaged. Laser hair removal may not respond well to people with light hair, such as blonde, red, or gray hair.

Laser hair removal is effective for almost all parts of the body with unwanted hair, including arms, armpits, chin, upper lip, cheeks, neck, abs, breasts, buttocks, bikini, legs and toes. Laser hair removal is approved by the FDA and is generally considered a safe and effective procedure when performed by a qualified and experienced medical beautician. You'll see the results soon after the first session, when laser-treated hairs fall out and your smooth skin is exposed, often with shrinking pores. In the case of your legs, you'll see significantly less growth after about three treatments, and the good news is that you'll need laser hair removal appointments less frequently after the first three treatments.

However, it's important to know that laser hair removal is only effective for dark hair follicles that contain melanin. .