Can laser hair removal be covered by insurance?

The only way to ensure that your laser hair reduction is covered by insurance is to review your policy and contact your provider. If you have a medical problem that causes uncomfortable hair growth that has a demonstrable negative impact on your life, and a doctor has determined that laser hair reduction is the most appropriate course of action, your insurance company may pay for the treatment. An insurance company will only provide coverage for laser hair reduction if they have sufficient reason to consider it a medically necessary procedure. Most insurance companies consider laser hair removal treatment to be cosmetic surgery rather than a medical necessity.

However, there are some exceptions to that rule. For example, folliculitis is an infection that develops inside the hair follicles. Because treatment destroys or damages follicles, the risk of infection is reduced, making treatment a medical necessity. Unfortunately, most insurance providers consider hair removal procedures to be “cosmetic” and therefore elective.

If you want to undergo a laser hair removal procedure but can't afford it out of pocket, you have few options for getting coverage. In most cases, you'll have no choice but to plunder your savings to bear the cost. Alternatively, you can convince an accredited lender to anticipate the funds needed to pay for your procedure. Be careful not to seek the services of a payday loan service that could end up charging you hundreds of dollars in unnecessary fees and interest over the life of your loan.

Both men and women can benefit from laser hair removal. At Emory Aesthetic Center, we offer safe and effective laser hair removal treatments for people with light and dark skin. Ideal candidates for laser hair removal must be in good health and have reasonable expectations for treatment. Waxing is a process that involves several treatments at intervals, and patients will need to commit to several sessions to obtain satisfactory results.

Only you and your provider can evaluate your candidacy, and this will be done during the initial consultation to ensure that you meet the requirements for the procedure. Another credit company I currently use is Comenity, which offers financing for everything, but is very popular with laser hair removal companies such as Premier Laser Spa. Laser hair removal is a quick way to remove unwanted hair and pulses that only takes a millisecond to treat several hairs at once. Most insurance companies cover laser hair removal and skin therapy if you have additional coverage.

While there is no right age to undergo laser hair removal, older people may have hair that is too light to be treated effectively, and young patients may develop more hair growth as they age. Before starting directly with the process, you may want to consider the following risks or disadvantages that come with laser hair removal treatment. While there is no downtime associated with laser hair removal, patients may experience some swelling, redness, and discomfort in the treated area for several days after each session. Once the hair follicle has been damaged, the new hair that sprouts tends to be lighter and denser than the initial hair before treatment.

Laser hair reduction can be performed on a variety of areas, such as the face, legs, abdomen, arms, armpits, back, chest and bikini line. Ultimately, insurance coverage for your laser hair removal will largely depend on your doctor and his understanding of your appearance issues. .